Caesar iv cheats
Caesar iv cheats

caesar iv cheats

Upgrading patrician housing does not change the number of people that can live in the house: there are always 30 patricians living there.

caesar iv cheats

However, if other matters in the city are to their liking, they will be satisfied with only two food types, two basic goods and one luxury good. Pipe access provided by a reservoir Three types of food Three types of basic goods Two types of luxury goods Housing level Small Domus Medium Domus Large Domus Requirements Nothing One type of luxury goods, fountain water Two types of luxury goods, city walls Number of occupants 40 60 80 If they don't have any other complaints about the city, they will be satisfied with just one type of food, one basic good, and water. Two types of food Access to water Two types of basic goods Housing level Small Insula Medium Insula Large Insula One type of food Access to water Requirements Nothing One type of basic goods Two types of basic goods, fountain water Number of occupants 70 110 150

caesar iv cheats

The mengetik dalam jumlah akan ditambahkan ke tabungan pribadi Anda * Unlock Membuka semua misi kampanye, sehingga mereka dapat dimainkan dari menu Skenario * Kebakaran kembali dinonaktifkan atau Fire-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali kebakaran * Ketidakpuasan kembali dinonaktifkan atau Ketidakpuasan-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali ketidakpuasan rakyat Anda * Wabah dinonaktifkan atau kembali diaktifkan WabahMenonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali malapetaka yang dihasilkan dari jangkauan kesehatan yang buruk * semangat kembali semangat Militer dinonaktifkan atau Militer-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali pengaruh moral pada kohort Anda * Permintaan dinonaktifkan atau Permintaan diaktifkan kembali Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali permintaan dan tuntutan dari Roma The mengetik sebesar dinar muncul di kas Anda keluar dari mana * Tabungan * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. Untuk memasukkan menipu, pertama mencapai mengembalikan / enter, kemudian ketik salah satu: * Win Langsung menang pada peta * dinar * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. Jika tidak, lebih baik jika Anda bermain game tanpa menggunakan mereka. Mereka mungkin akan bermanfaat jika Anda melakukan tes tertentu, atau jika Anda benar-benar putus asa. * Requests disabled or Requests re-enabled Disable or re-enable requests and demands from RomeĬheats Berikut adalah daftar cheat kode untuk Caesar IV. * Military morale disabled or Military morale re-enabledĭisable or re-enable the effect of morale on your cohorts * Plague disabled or Plague re-enabled Disable or re-enable plagues resulting from poor health coverage * Dissatisfaction disabled or Dissatisfaction re-enabled Disable or re-enable dissatisfaction amongst your populace * Fire disabled or Fire re-enabled Disable or re-enable fires * Unlock Unlocks all campaign missions, so they can be played from the Scenarios menu The keyed in amount will be added to your personal savings * Savings *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. The keyed in amount of Denarii appears in your coffers out of nowhere * Denarii *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. To enter the cheats, first hit the return/enter key, then type any of these: Otherwise, it is better if you play the game without using them. They may come in useful if you're doing certain tests, or if you're really desperate.

caesar iv cheats

Here is a list of cheat codes for Caesar IV.

Caesar iv cheats